03 Jul How SiteGiant Helps Fabric and Craft Wholesaler to Sell Online with ease
May May begins to venture into online business during 2010. Facebook was not popular at that time. She used Blogspot as the platform to sell her fabric products. Email was the only tool she used to reply and process customers’ orders. She felt exhausted because she had tons of work to do every day. She had to do photo shooting, purchasing, order taking, product shipping and stock counting all by her own.
“Then, I started googling around. Since there were many e-commerce solution providers out there, it was really hard for me to choose from. End up I chose SiteGiant because many sellers who used SiteGiant before had demonstrated a tremendous improvement in their sales.”
“Most of my orders came at midnight. I had to stay up until very late to manually process customer orders, check customer payment and ship the product on my own. I can only sleep at 4 am because of the amount of workload I had. I find it difficult and tiring. I told myself I must do something to improve the way on how I manage my online store.”
“At first, I didn’t trust on SiteGiant. After series of interaction with them, the professionalism and commitment demonstrated by SiteGiant have successfully gained my trust. Whenever I have a system problem, I just need to call and SiteGiant support team will resolve my problem in the shortest time. This has made SiteGiant to be different from other e-commerce companies. Besides that, SiteGiant Marketplace Sync is user-friendly whereby I just have to update my product description by using this platform and then click the button. It will be automatically synced to multiple marketplaces like Lazada, 11Street, and Lelong. After I have used SiteGiant, my sales have been increased by 40-50% and I can have a good night sleep now. You have to try it by yourself to see how effective it is to your online business!”
May May
Online wholesaler for fabric and craft materials
“If you dare to change, the big opportunities come along.”
May May just showed us how she made a big difference on her business. How about you?